Edited by Felix Schumm
ISSN 1868-4173

The "Archive for Lichenology" is a "paperless journal" which is published in the internet as pdf-files and provides contributions on all fields of lichenology.
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Volume 1
Frahm, J-P., Thönnes, D. and Hensel, S. 2009: Ist der Anstieg nitrophiler Flechten an Bäumen auf eine Erhöhung des Borken-pHs zurückzuführen? 10 pp.

Volume 2
Vogel, S. 2009: Flechten auf straßenbegleitenden Bäumen an ausgewählten Standorten in Düsseldorf. 15 pp. (Schülerarbeit)

Volume 3
Schnell, S. & Stapper, N.J. 2009: Eine einfache Methode zur Bioindikation der Umweltbelastung in einer Großstadt mit epiphytischen Flechten. 8 pp.  (Schülerarbeit)

Volume 4
Frahm, J-P. & Erler, D. 2009: Orientierende Untersuchungen zur Wirkung der Staubimprägnationen von Borken auf epiphytischen Flechten. 8 pp.

Volume 5
Frahm, J-P., Janssen, A-M., Schumacher, J., Thönnes D., Hensel, S., Heidelbach, B. & Erler, D.  2009: Das Nitrophytenproblem bei epiphytischen Flechten - eine Synthese.  8 pp.

Volume 6
Biazrov, Lev G.  2010: Die Dynamik der Artendiversität epiphytischer Flechten im Nordbezirk von Moskau (Russland). 8 pp.

Volume 7
Stapper, N. 2012: Illustrierte Bestimmungshilfe zur Unterscheidung von Candelaria concolor und Candelaria pacifica. 12 pp.

Volume 8
Schumm, F. 2012: Verzeichnis meiner 2008-2012 publizierten Flechten-Bildtafeln. 27 pp.

Volume 9
Frahm, J.-P. 2013: Contents of amino acids and osmotic values of epiphytic lichens as indicators for regional atmospheric nitrogen loads. 11 pp

Volume 10
Schumm, F. 2014: Verzeichnis meiner 2008-2014 publizierten Flechten-Bildtafeln. 38 pp.

Volume 11
Kalb, K. 2016: Lichenes Neotropici XV. 12 pp..

Volume 12
Kalb, K.  & Aptroot, A. 2017: Lichenes Neotropici XVI. 12 pp..

Volume 13
Kalb, K. & Schumm, F. 2019: A new synonym and a new species in the lichen genus Dirinaria

Volume 14
Aptroot, A. & Stapper, N. 2019: Szczawinskia tsugae in Deutschland gefunden, eine für Europa neue Flechte. 6 pp.

Volume 15
Kalb, K. 2020 (online 17. May 2020): New or otherwise interessting lichens. VII, including a world key to the lichen genus Heiomasia. 18 pp.

Volume 16
Aptroot, A. & Feuerstein, S. 2020 (online 25.07.2020): New Graphidaceae from South and Central Brazil.11 pp.

Volume 16 corrected
Aptroot, A. & Feuerstein, S. 2020 (online 1.8.2020): New Graphidaceae from South and Central Brazil. (corrected).10 pp.

Volume 17
Aptroot, A. & Spielmann, A. 2020 (online 1.8.2020): New lichen species and records from the Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, the westernmost Atlantic rain forest.  26 pp..

Volume 18
Kalb, K. 2020 (online 4.9.2020): New or otherwise interesting lichens. VIII, eight new species mainly from the family Graphidaceae, and two new records. 14 pp.

Volume 19
John, V. & Güvenc, S. & Türk, A. (online 12.10.2020): Additions to the checklist and bibliography of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Turkey. 32 pp.

Volume 20
Aptroot, A & Souza, M. F. & Spielmann, A. A. (online 31.10.2020): New lichen species from the Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. 7 pp.

Volume 21
Aptroot, A & Spielmann, A. A. (online 3.12.2020): Four new Astrothelium species and a Mazaediothecium from Várzea areas in Mato Grosso doSul, Brazil. 17 pp

Volume 22
Kalb, K. & Schumm, F. 2021 (online 13.01.2021): New or otherwise interesting lichens. IX. Four new species in the family Graphidaceae, one new combination, new records and remarks. 22 pp.

Volume 23
Aptroot, A., Spielmann, A. A., Gumboski, E. L.2021 (online 20.02.2021): New lichen species and records from Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 18 pp.

Volume 24
Spielmann, A. A., Scur, M. C., Lorenz, A. P. & Honda, N. K. .2021 (online 16.03.2021): The rediscovery of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) in Brazil. 7 pp.
Supp 1; Supp 2

Volume 25
Joseph, S, Nayaka & S, Sinha, G. P. 2021 (online 08.04.2021): On the taxonomic identity of Bactrospora lamprospora (lichenized Ascomycota: Arthoniales). 5 pp.

Volume 26
Swarnalatha, G. 2021 (online 10.04.2021): A new species of Diorygma (Graphidaceae) from India. 4 pp.

Volume 27
Kalb, K. 2021 (online 13.07.2021): New or otherwise interesting lichens mainly from Brazil and Venezuela with special reference to the genus Malmidea. 41 pp.

Volume 28
Kalb, K. & Aptroot, A. 2021 (online 27.11.2021): New Lichens from Africa. 12 pp.

Volume 29
Aptroot, A. 2021 (online 17.12.2021): World key to the species of Pyrenulaceae and Trypetheliaceae. 90 pp. - Separatum from F. Schumm & A. Aptroot, Atlas of Pyrenulaceae and Trypetheliaceae, Volume 1, ISBN 978-3-7543-9685-8

Volume 30
Kalb, K. 2022 (online 07.02.2022): The lichen genus Catillochroma (Ascomycota, Ramalinaceae). Three new species and eight new combinations. 14 pp.

Volume 31
Aptroot, A., de Souza1, M.F., da Silva Cáceres, M. E., dos Santos, L. A. & Spielmann, A. A.
2021 (online 08.02.2022): New lichen records from Brazil. 51 pp.

Volume 32
Knudsen, K., Kocourková, J. & Hodková, E. 2022 (online 14.02.2022): Four Species from New Mexico and Europe (Acarosporaceae). 10 pp.

Volume 33
Knudsen, K., Wheeler, T., Hodková, E. & Kocourkova, J. 
2023 (online 2023): The Annotated Lichen Checklist of San Nicolas Island, California, U.S.A.

Volume 34
John, V. & Güvenc, S. 
2023 (online Dez. 2023): Additions to the checklist and bibliography of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Turkey II. 47 pp.

Volume 35
Brackel, W. von 
2023 (online Dez. 2023): Weitere Funde von flechtenbewohnenden Pilzen in Bayern - Beitrag zu einer Checkliste VIII. 22 pp.

Volume 36
Kalb, K. & Aptroot, A.
2024 (online IV 2024): Lichenes Neotropici XVII (No. 651-671).

special Volume:

P.P.G. van den Boom & N. Ettema
2023: Korstmossen van De Maashorst. 31 pp.

Index for the Brazilian Lichens Vol. I, II, III, IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX

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